Hacker Spaces


European Software Patents Version 3.0

We wrote to the European Patent Office to indicate our concern about patents being granted: “Paris, 30th of April 2009 Contribution to the Referral G03/08 Dear members of the Enlarged Board of Appeals, together with a majority of software experts and parliaments in Europe we see no role for patents for software and business methods. So we are surprised to find out that some die-hards in the European Patent Organization

Church of Security

Church of Security opened its temporary chapel last week. Preaching about the over-development of surveillance and the creative space it created for us, believers, who will use Infrared-Blinder for CCTV, Consumer B Gone to prevent highly dangerous terrorist from stealing your shopping cart in the supermarket, RFID detection and activation Crosses and other artifacts during our constant celebration of the all-seeing, all-knowing (yet slow to act) God of Security. Allelujhack!

Contre HADOPI, ce soir et toujours!

Contre une loi qui coupe le net sans preuve réelle, qui surveille et flique tout le monde, qui confonds droit privé et droit public, une protestation ce soir, jeudi 12 mars, a 18h devant l’assemblée. Amenez de quoi faire du bruit et offrez des adresses IP aux députés… Si vous ne pouvez pas, soutenez La Quadrature du Net.

/tmp/lab @ wintercamp, Amsterdam, NL

This week is the wintercamp, and a few members of /tmp/lab and Art Sensitif are going there, along with Jaromil for Dyne, meeting 160 participants for a networked experience in order to create, cross-breed and develop what the collectives are doing. Very different than the traditionnal approach to CodeCamps or Hack Conference, wintercamp is organized by some great dutch organization giving it a very different flavor, at least in the

Back from 25C3 and Happy new year!

We’re back from the awesome Chaos Congress 25C3 and wish all of you happy hacking in 2009! Cheers! /tmp/lab team

Workshop: Soldering workshop + Repurposing Audio Devices as Hacking Tools

This thursday 18th of December 2008 at 8 PM, there will be a workshop with Mitch Altman, father and inventor of TV-B-Gone, 1/ First part: Soldering Workshop Learn to solder, anyone can learn. Just bring your solder iron if you have one. If you don’t, it’s ok, we have some. Mitch has fun kits to practice on. Reimbursement for parts cost requested. Lack of fund should not be a problem

35 Days Against DRM — Day One: MacBook – DefectiveByDesign.org

DefectiveByDesign has launched a new initiative to show which products are being tweaked by their own manufacturer in order to pressure consumer into more sheep-like buyers: 35 Days Against DRM — Day One: MacBook | DefectiveByDesign.org have a look and vote for it on DIGG.

Laboratoires Foulab.org – Proje(c)t Hackerspace Montreal

C’est avec grand plaisir que nous voyons naître un nouveau Hacklab à Montreal, Canada après avoir rencontré un des protagonistes de cette affaire qui était venu nous rendre visite à Vitry. Vive le Québec tout court! 🙂 Laboratoires Foulab.org – Proje(c)t Hackerspace Montreal

Freedom not fear France – La liberté pas la peur – Rendez vous ce samedi 11 à 13h30 à République

Le /tmp/lab participe à la Freedom Not Fear. Donc rendez vous à 13h30 ce samedi 11 Octobre à 13h30 à l’angle du boulevard Magenta et de République. Human Rights 21 –  Participation française à la journée d’action internationale “Freedom not fear”

Appel à participation à la journée d’action internationale “Freedom not Fear”.

Le 11 Octobre 2008, une manifestation mondiale contre la surveillance se déroulera sous forme de conférences, d’ateliers et de fêtes pour montrer que nous ne sommes pas des moutons à fliquer ou de la viande à caméra. Human Rights 21 – Freedom not fear France » Communiqué: Appel à participation à la journée d’action internationale “Freedom not Fear”. Réservez donc votre samedi après midi et votre soirée! Bien évidemment, on

Les « bidouilleurs » de la société de l’information, par Jean-Marc Manach (Le Monde diplomatique)

On parle du /tmp/lab dans Le Monde Diplomatique! C’est assez agréable de voir que certains médias relèvent l’apport bénéfique que les hackers ont sur la société de l’information et la société en général. Un traitement non manichéen qui au delà du traitement médiatique populiste “méchant – gentils” ou “blanc – noirs” (white hat / black hat) que l’on doit à Jean Marc Manach. Notamment, on verra des allusions à l’impact

Hackers et sans complexe – InternetActu.net

Jean-Marc Manach d’InternetActu fait un petit article sur HSF2008. Hackers et sans complexe | InternetActu.net

01net. – Tentative d’intrusion de hackers à Vitry-sur-Seine

Un petit article en Français sur le Hacker Space Fest 2008 par 01 net. 01net. – Tentative d’intrusion de hackers à Vitry-sur-Seine

/tmp/lab circuit bending night

OMG! They took it! They took the VCR! NOOOO!! Not the washing machine now! You sick f**k ! Rahhh… I spent so much time fixing it!! /tmp/lab circuit bending — www.tmplab.org Uploaded by tmplab

OLPC Sugar on EEE pc with bootable USB key and OLPC XO emulation fun

After the BackTrack3 Live SD card for EEE, I continued the distribution exploration with the OLPC (One Laptop Per Child) operating system on their brand new XO laptops and their slick and simple GUI called Sugar. Before jumping into “did this, done that”, current advances in SD card and USB memory sticks sizes, bootable distribution and virtualization take computing to a different level. Remember when you use to insert a