From Tmplab
Here are the Workshops happening @ /tmp/lab
Workshops Schedule
Wanted Workshops
So, you want to give or take a workshop, but it's not scheduled yet? Open a page for it :)
- Workshop Serial Level Shifter & Router Debrick
- Awesome Window Manager
- Ruby for beginners
- Ruby On Rails
- Linux Virtualization (KVM, Linux-Vserver, OpenVZ)
- Vacuum tubes
- puredata
- Python : Taste the code
- Blender : An Open 3D Content Creation Suite
- DIY AUDIO 3 : easy and efficient mic building
- OpenWRT & Mesh
- PC Rehab
- Church of Security
- /tmp/van brico
- Biodiesel
- SCTPscan QA & release hacknight
- EGPL release
- CFP-submit workshop
- Secure Server Building from Scratch
- Introduction à l'Electronique
- GPG, TOR and OTR for Privacy on the Internet
- Using your phone for weird goals
- DNS fun
- Histoire, fonctionnement et comment s'amuser avec internet.
Past Workshops
- 19/02/2009 - Python for beginners
- 26/02/2009 - DIY audio
- 12/03/2009 - La soudure pour les nuls
- 20/03/2009 - DIY audio 2 la suite!
- 21/03/2009 - Workshop Introduction aux FPGA
- 23/03/2009 - Church of Security at SIANA INT
- 26/03/2009 - Présentation Livecoding
- 28/03/2009 - FPGA: la suite
- 02/04/2009 - SuperCollider Part I
- 04/04/2009 - Workshop OpenWrt
Adding a Workshop
Anybody can create a workshop, this is auto-organization.
- Create a new page on the wiki prefixed with your workshop's keyword, such as "MediaWiki : Why It Doesn't Suck That Much"
- Use the Template:Workshop :)
- Make sure you add an Attendees section before saving, so that nobody will edit the template itself!
- Add your workshop link on this page with its date
- Add a link in /tmp/lab shared calendar on G00gle Gr0ups
- Announce it on the /tmp/lab mailing list
- Announce it on the #frlab IRC channel and optionnally add it to the topic if it's the next workshop.
- If your workshop involve handling of chemical products, check IPCS (International Programme on Chemical Safety) for proper handling/disposal instructions