DemoParty Compo with MilkyMist

From Tmplab
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This mini-project consists in developing a compo on the Milkymist open hardware system-on-chip platform that will present Sanobot, the toxic gas sensor and Twitter bot of /tmp/lab, a hackerspace set up close to a chemical factory.

We look forward to presenting it at demoparties (unfortunately it was not ready for Main#4).

More info on Sanobot:

More info on Milkymist:

What is a Demoparty:


For coders:

We need You

  • Artwork designer
    • Kiniou (I'm not really a true artist but I put my name just in case)
    • We need more!!!
  • Music composer
    • alban
    • The music is quite done by now :) Thanks Alban.
  • Multimedia (2D/3D/Sound) developper
    • Kiniou (mainly 2D/3D)
    • We need more!!!


Put your wonderfull ideas/sketch/links here

Debriefing from meeting with kiniou

--Alban 08:24, 4 September 2009 (PDT) 
  • General Theme : We could use Sanobot.
  • Visual option : 2D plain forms, kind of cartoon / manga (Kiniou : links ?)
Still working on it ;) -- kiniou
  • Script proposal : 3 phases
  • Duration : 3 minutes

1. Start/Intro

  • A . Sanobot data as raw / random numbers flowing on the screen
   Graphics : monochromous, greenish
   Visuals : Numbers retrieved randomly from csv and scrolling / zooming
   Sound : gloomy and experimental synths pads
   Idea : start with something strange that will make sense only later
  • Question : Can we modulate rythm of numbers apparition and their scrolling speed with music analysis ? Ex: no music, no number. Loud : larger font. Bass : slow scroll.
  • Question : Can we define a length for such a sequence, have it render to screen randomly for a given duration ?
  • B. Sanobot as a technical system
   Graphics : colourful, fresh
   Visuals : illustrations of sanobot character, manga style animations
   Sound : rythmic, funky, acid
   Idea : Present sanobot, what it does / how it's built

2. Sanobot in action

A. Sanobot data : from random to graphics

   Graphics : fresh illustration in front of monochrome background
   Visuals : sanobot character dancing in front of the csv numbers now showing the date : proves they're organized
   Sound : mix of both preceding style
   Idea : show the numbers seen in 1.A. are not random but organised

B. Sanobot in its environment

   Graphics : colourful, fresh
   Visuals : illustrations of sanobot character, manga style animations
   Sound : rythmic, funky, acid ( harder than before )
   Idea : why it's called sanobot and presents its enemy : the mighty Sanomonster, Master of All Toxic Wastes

3. Finale

  • A. Sanobot data : from graphics to communication
   Graphics : fresh cartoon style
   Visuals : sanobot character dances as we see the data being distributed on a network
   Sound : rythmic music at full pace
   Idea : show the numbers seen in 1.A. are being distributed worldwide in a meaningful objective

Note : this part should use modulation of visuals depending on graphics as every other A. parts

  • B. Sanobot in the future
   Visuals : Many sanobots appearing.
   Sound : Cool synth pads, atmospheric
   Idea : Show how we'll see more sensor systems built by people in the future