/tmp/net dn42

From Tmplab
Revision as of 10:38, 27 May 2009 by Dermiste (talk | contribs) (beefed up the summary)
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What ?

Connecting the /tmp/lab to the dn42 network, an Internet overlay composed of independant networks interconnected through VPNs and using standard BGP for exchanging routing information.

Why ?

Short answer : because we can & because it's fun.

Long answer : to join a huge private network (in the rfc1918 sense) where tons of like-minded folks hang out and run crazy network services. Keep in mind that dn42 is not a darknet. Nothing prevents you to run some kind of darknet inside dn42, but dn42 itself is just a regular IP network.

How ?

Basically, we need a box to act as a router and connected to other dn42 networks. Or maybe a "real" router. Then we provide a native access on the lab's LAN, and maybe some kind of roadwarrior setup for labbers on the road.

Who ?

Some folks from GCU seem interested in joining the project. More details will be available as the project evolves.

Contact dermiste for more information.


Warm-up meeting

This will be the first meeting to gather all the people interested in this project. It will mostly be about meeting each other and discussing around some beers (or your other favorite drink). Doodle to pick the date : http://www.doodle.com/s89xtha2btbez3u9