BigBlueButton Videos

From Tmplab

How to mix BBB videos

This is the process allowing you to retrieve separate audio and video files, to build your own mix using FFMPEG.

BBB has a feature to record videoconferences but once the recording is complete, only a web interface to review the presentation, not a final video file.

Command Line process

1. Open your browser's Web Inspector / Developer Tools interface (F12) in a new tab

2. Load the video presentation page ex: https://<BBB DOMAIN>/playback/presentation/2.3/<SOME ID>

3. In the Developper Tools Network Panel, filter the Media assets, and find the WEBM resources, i.e. webcams.webm and deskshare.webm

4. Download the WEBM files

   $ wget https://<BBB DOMAIN>/<SOME ID>/deskshare/deskshare.webm
   $ wget https://<BBB DOMAIN>/<SOME ID>video/webcams.webm

5. Run FFMPEG to mix the files

   # Change the variable to cut some time at the beginning of the video
   # Default: None 
   # Format: hh:mm:ss.milli
   ffmpeg -ss "$START_SEEK" -i deskshare.webm -ss  "$START_SEEK" -i webcams.webm  -c copy -map 0:v -map 1:a -y mixed-video-file.webm
   ls -lh mixed-video-file.webm