Wified Arduino 8266

From Tmplab
Revision as of 04:04, 31 January 2016 by Samneurohack (talk | contribs) (Software)

Work in Progress


8266 can be programmed as every other arduino or in lua langage if you have the right firmware.

  • There is plenty of ESP8266 boards available.
  • The "ready made", brain free one is a devboard called nodemcu.
  • it's 3.3 V board.
  • It's a tiny board, with almost no memory, nice at home, but if you want reliable internet behavior, send the data to a real server.


  • Basically there is 2 main firmware paradigms :
* you want speed or love arduino : go to arduino IDE
* you prefer the easy path : get one with lua firmware or upload it !
  • You can use a terminal i.e : screen /dev/tty.USB0 9600
  • Esplorer is great but use java.
  • luatool is in python and just works with a lua firmware. Download source. You need pyserial : sudo easy_install pyserial
  • to flash the thing it's esptool tutorial
