Hacker Spaces


Deploying Quasar (Vue) SPA to Vercel

Working with Quasar (Vue.js based) is a bliss for Web UI / SPA / etc… development. Especially is you use Vite, for the speed of site build. I highly recommend it. Now vercel makes it super easy to host and test your app online. Here is a little problem I encountered, so I’m sharing (so that the monster Internet search engines that swallow everything can index this little helper blog

/tmp/ham Episode 1: Raspberry Pi, weak signals (WSPR) and filters

There’s something very nice with Raspberry Pi (RPi) is that you can use it’s GPIO output capability and somewhat precise clock to generate radio signals, especially weak signals radio signals (WSPR). These weak signals can travel thousands of kilometers and be received by foreign stations across the ocean. (No we’re not talking about receiving these radio signals with RTL-SDR, even though it’s nice too). HAM License prerequisite… is not so

Kubernetes Security tech session [Upcoming]

Covid19 won’t block us! So let’s go virtual. We’re going to organize a virtual Kubernetes Security tech session soon so that interested people can join and share experiences about this. Goal is to look into: Seccomp AppArmor Capabilities Nodes isolation and security Admission controllers K8S Scheduler and controller APIs Security Misc CNCF projects such as: Vitess Jaeger Lyft’s Clutch Spotify’s Backstage KOPS For now, best way to show your interest

One-Liner Bash-Based Continuous Integration (OLBABACI)

It’s all about CI these days: Jenkins, Buildbot, numerous SaaS service embedding these fine FLOSS and hoping for a recurring credit card based subscription,… and for a reason. Continuous Integration allow for quicker feedback, shorter dev iterations, better communication. The principle is simple: as soon as their is a change in code, configuration, datasets, automatically retest the whole application and send automated output (and diffs from previous runs, dashboard, etc..)

VM images of Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) with Vagrant and Docker Containers

This article is an update to https://ochronus.com/docker-primer-django/ post for Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr). TL;DR if you’re lucky and everything is installed right and you don’t want to understand deeper, try: vagrant init ubuntu/trusty64 vagrant up First, let’s install Vagrant on the host computer (a MacOS X Mavericks here, using Homebrew Cask that can install binary install packages): brew cask install vagrant Then let’s create a directory where we’ll store the

Filtering Chrome bookmark export (fucked up format) to make it grepable

Have you witnessed something about Chrome: it’s great to work with, it sucks to export from it. Well, here is a simple example. If you export your bookmarks, you’ll be stuck with the following garbled output which cannot be nicely grepped for: […] <DT><A HREF=”https://github.com/robotframework/Rammbock” ADD_DATE=”1353218622″ ICON=” klEQVQ4jYVRPYsUQRB93TPTY+/OXH/MDeuCmAhmguGq6weGB6aCwQWG3g8QTMzMjeRQweACDUTxD4j eIQYmgj/gEIXz3NuPg5ndWXtn2sDtY1w890XV1a9evaoiWEAURVeCILhFKb0Oa9sAAEL2qqp6a4x5n mXZdp1ParGXSPnMD4L1RdE6ZsZs9Uej2wDKuoCntd4JPO/C/4odTFl+HAwGlwGUHgAkUm4Fvr9mjNn OJ5Obo8PDPep5pwghvcravgWi3sHBvXw8vh8ydjbw/e4Jxs5MiuIVOOedVpraVppapdSmWwWARn01z q1SatPxOecd2gjDDceaTqdP52EGYFwTyABYADDGvHDJRhhuUEJpFwBmZfmrqqr+svlns9luWVVTACC UdikIcaf6URTF7jKBoii+WmB/XtOmzhoAAYAuEwBAYa2cx5Za4BsA+JQKKeWNZdVxHK/5nreCP52/U 2rtTmUt9nu9ElX1Mub80rHFnF8MGXvi3tbad2g2m+dFLCyAKYA+pdQSQsac844j+r5/jRDSc+ernf0 czfP8cxAGj1tpyiLgKud8fSWKPjHGfjoBxlgmhFituzFl+XA4HH45Smgp3ydaD5RSpwFI/I14NUly1 zlR6vU/Z0yS5FGi9SzRug+gXfs6eWRbiAfHrxiAEuKu1voDAO1yQgiVSPlGKXVnkf8bOtGzSzGU1hQ AAAAASUVORK5CYII=”>robotframework/Rammbock</A> […] So grepping this means you’ll get plenty of matches from the data

Great resource by Bernardo Damele A. G. On Reverse shells one-liners

It’s worth checking it out, and since in hacking and security the basics are never completely understood, read it: http://bernardodamele.blogspot.fr/2011/09/reverse-shells-one-liners.html?m=1

Hackito Ergo Sum 2014

Hackito Ergo Sum 2014 is being setup. Created by /tmp/lab and for hacking & security passionate researchers, HES 2014 will be the 5th edition of this conference. http://2014.hackitoergosum.org/  

Hackito Ergo Sum – Conférence Internationale, 2 – 4 Mai 2013, Cité des science de la Villette, Paris, France

/// Communiqué de presse /// Pour diffusion immédiate /// Hackito Ergo Sum – Conférence Internationale 2 – 4 Mai 2013 Cité des science de la Villette, Paris, France. http://2013.hackitoergosum.org/ Hackito Ergo Sum ouvre ses porte les 2, 3 et 4 mai prochains pour sa 4eme édition, en un moment historique, celui de la décision entre offenseur ou défenseur dans la sécurité informatique, celui de la mise en œuvre de nos

Minitel is dead – HDL incident reseau

minitel DEATH party – saturday 30th, June 2012 /// Samedi 30 Juin

  minitel DEATH party ! Today, Minitel dies. Good bye x25, good bye PAVI, good bye 1200/75, good bye NUI, good bye 3613, 3614 and 3605, good bye V23. So to celebrate that in due form, based on numerous and precious requests from the best and loved ones, let’s have a paaaarty! We will investigate the old technology, discuss its fun and its security and insecurity, have some tests and

THSF was awesome

The Tetalab in Toulouse is a great producer of excellence. Once again they rocked by organizing an amazing event. Fantastic place in Mix’art Myrys, Toulouse. Cool talks and round tables. Plenty of concerts and events. And the workshops from BGP configuration by Tetaneutral, DIY sextoys, Usinette, Congratulations to the team!

Historic times with btctime.com

We’re living historic times! Bitcoin is now breaking records and shows no obvious flaws. We see it combined with silk road and lulzsec accepting donations in bitcoins for their FBI Infraguard and Sony hacks, bringing together FBI, money laudering, new legit alternative currency and a new model for economy without the bankers. So we contribute a new super useful site 🙂 http://btctime.com/ Enjoy the fireworks that are going to happen

Fábrica de Inventos, new hackerspace in Buenos Aires, Argentina

A new hackerspace is born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Our friends there opened “Fábrica de Inventos” yesterday. They are looking for a more definitive space theree (hint, help them if you’re there) but already they’re up and kicking, organizing a Open Security fair with workshops and activities. We wish them great success and hope to visit soon, maybe for the next ekoparty conference?. link: Fábrica de Inventos.

Packet crafting toolkits in Ruby

After a quick browse of packet crafting libraries in Ruby, I got to see the following situation that might interest anyone who would like to craft and send packets in Ruby. Python pioneered the field mainly with excellent Philippe Biondi’s scapy that got so much press and attention. Now, with Metasploit and various other tools being developped in Ruby, we have more and more reasons to focus on Ruby for