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Related hacker / artistic events

/tmp/lab au Palais de Tokyo

Jeudi 04 Juin, c’est à dire dans moins de 1 semaine, le /tmp/lab sera hors les murs. Invité au Palais de Tokyo pour un workshop de 19h30 à …, vous etes TOUS invité, mais il faut s’enregistrer un ptit coup. (oui, c’est gratuit, ouvert à tous, pas de niveau technique requis, juste un intéret. Venez avec votre laptop, vos livres, vidéos, idées, projets, questions, on sera tous ensemble pour explorer,

Hacker Space Fest Schedule – 26th to 30th of June 2009, France.

======================================================================== == Hacker Space Festival #2: Program for 26-30 June 2009, Vitry/Seine == ======================================================================== We are proud to announce the HSF program for the events which will happen from the 26th to the 30th, of June 2009 at the /tmp/lab & 6 Bis in Vitry sur Seine. Hacker Space Fest aims to be an open forum for exchanges on Hacking, Art, Technology, Freedom, Openness and Society, and as such we

HSF2009: extension de la date de dépôt des propositions au 12 mai

Le comité de programmation pour HSF2009[0] a repoussé la date butoir de remise des propositions pour le Hacker Space Festival[1] qui se tiendra le mois prochain. Nos amis hackers sont invités à envoyer leurs propositions de conférences et d’ateliers jusqu’au 12 mai (la semaine prochaine). Après cette date, l’appel sera définitivement clos. Pour les propositions tardives : Relisez l’appel à projets[2] Assurez-vous au préalable de pouvoir venir Utilisez les champs

HSF2009: Deadline for Proposals Extended to May 12th

The HSF2009 Programming Committee[0] has extended the deadline for proposals to the upcoming Hacker Space Festival[1] next month. Fellow hackers can send conferences and workshops proposals until May 12 (next week). After this date, the CFP will be closed for good. For late proposals: Re-read the Call For Proposals[2] Make sure you can come in the first place Do use the provided fields from the CFP As a reminder: this

Church of Security

Church of Security opened its temporary chapel last week. Preaching about the over-development of surveillance and the creative space it created for us, believers, who will use Infrared-Blinder for CCTV, Consumer B Gone to prevent highly dangerous terrorist from stealing your shopping cart in the supermarket, RFID detection and activation Crosses and other artifacts during our constant celebration of the all-seeing, all-knowing (yet slow to act) God of Security. Allelujhack!

HSF 2009 Appel à Projets

======================================================================== Le /tmp/lab annonce le second Hacker Space Festival (Paris, 26-30 Juin 2009) ======================================================================== Hacker Space Festival 2009 | Appel à contribution En 2008, nous avons organisé HSF[1] au pied levé, comme une rencontre ad-hoc de réseaux liés aux hackerspaces, à la recherche technique et aux créations artistiques qui en émergent et aux questionnements sociaux qui en découlent. Cette expérience soudaine s’avéra un immense succès, tant sur les plans de

HSF 2009 Call for Proposals

======================================================================== /tmp/lab announces the second Hacker Space Festival (Paris, 26-30 June 2009) ======================================================================== Hacker Space Festival 2009 | Call For Proposals In 2008, we organized HSF[1] on the spot, as an ad-hoc meeting for hackerspaces-related networks, technical and artistic research emerging from them and social questionning arising from them. This sudden experiment proved to be a huge success, as much as on the self-organizing level as on the participants and

/tmp/lab @ wintercamp, Amsterdam, NL

This week is the wintercamp, and a few members of /tmp/lab and Art Sensitif are going there, along with Jaromil for Dyne, meeting 160 participants for a networked experience in order to create, cross-breed and develop what the collectives are doing. Very different than the traditionnal approach to CodeCamps or Hack Conference, wintercamp is organized by some great dutch organization giving it a very different flavor, at least in the

BattleWirelessMesh2009 – April 11-12 @ TmpLab – Sponsors Update

SPONSORS updates The TmpLab is pleased to announce the support of two first sponsors for the BattleWirelessMesh to help this event to be the one occasion a have a real case mesh test-bed. Wireless-fr (http://wireless-fr.org)  will be providing 8 nodes (Buffalo) FON (http://fon.com) will be providing 25 nodes (WRT54G) We are still looking for more supports from the community and from the vendors to complete our architecture. DEVELOPERS updates Already

First TMPLAB Wireless Battle Mesh – April 11-12th 2009 @ tmplab

We are pleased to announce that the /tmp/lab  will be organizing a Spring Wireless OpenWRT Mesh Contest called “Wireless Battle Mesh” during 2 days (April 11-12th) with the goal of building 3 wireless mesh networks based on embedded hardware running OpenWRT and different concurrent mesh routing protocols. The targeted architecture will be 3 networks of 25nodes + 1 wireless managment networks (10-20 nodes) to achieve realistic size of nodes number,

[FR.HAR2009] Coordonner la présence française à HAR2009

Une liste de diffusion a été créée pour coordonner la présence française à HAR2009. Elle est ouverte à tous, n’hésitez pas à vous inscrire pour participer et accéder aux archives. En voici ci-dessous l’introduction. Chers compatriotes, devant l’engouement généré par la prochaine rencontre Hacking At Random[1], et en hommage à la forte présence française à WTH, nous proposons la création d’une Ambassade Française à HAR. Pourquoi une Ambassade Française ?

/tmp/lab circuit bending night

OMG! They took it! They took the VCR! NOOOO!! Not the washing machine now! You sick f**k ! Rahhh… I spent so much time fixing it!! /tmp/lab circuit bending — www.tmplab.org Uploaded by tmplab