Hacker Spaces

Deadline Extension For Les Contorsions Technologiques

The deadline for les Contorsions Technologiques has been pushed back by two weeks. The new schedule is the following: April 3, 23h59 GMT : end of submissions April 8 : acceptation notifications April 15 : final program publication The Call for Proposals is available here, send your submissions at cfp@contorsions-technologiques.org. See you at the end of April !

Wireless Battle Mesh v3 (WBMv3) next 02-06 June 2010 in Bracciano Roma (IT)

The next ‘Wireless Battle Mesh’ will take place from  Wed 2nd till Sun 6th of June in Bracciano (near Rome), Italy. The event aims to bring together people from across Europe to test the performance of different routing protocols for ad-hoc networks, like Babel, B.A.T.M.A.N., and OLSR. This third WBM will be improving the testbed conditions for mesh protocols with standardized testing procedures that will be reported after the event

Workshop Hack Roulette 1 le Jeudi 4 Mars au /tmp/lab

Jeudi prochain, un nouveau style de workshop dont le but est de prendre un package debian ou autre software, au hasard, et de le fuzzer, l’analyser, le tester pour réveler ses failles de sécurité: Hack Roulette 1 Quand? Jeudi 4 Mars de 20h a plus d’heure… Ou? /tmp/lab Quoi? Hack Roulette… on tire au hasard un logiciel… et on le défonce 😉 sortez vos fuzzer et vos debugger et hop. Pourquoi?

Milkymist 0.3 release announcement

It is with great excitement that I am announcing the release of Milkymist 0.3. This release marks a significant milestone for the project: since now, it’s no longer tens of thousands of lines of code for nerds only. It’s also an actual MilkDrop implementation, rendering good-looking visual effects that EVERYBODY can appreciate. But, see for yourself. If you have a Xilinx ML401 board, grab your JTAG cable and fetch a

Breizh Entropy Congress artistic schedule

================================ BREIZH ENTROPY CONGRESS April 15-17 2010, Rennes, France Artistic Schedule ================================ French version at bottom / Version française en bas Breizh Entropy Congress is an inter-disciplinary event focusing on free (as in freedom) creations and culture. Through a meeting fostering open-mindedness, exchange of ideas and learning, we hope to show solutions to technical, social and political problems, and celebrate free, reclaimed and creative art and technology. We are proud

A (Maker fair)|(Hacker fest) in Paris – Announcing Les Contorsions Technologiques

La Suite Logique hackerspace invites hackers from all around the world to participate to the first edition of Les Contorsions Technologiques that will run from April 30 to May 2 at la Suite, alternative cultural space in the middle of Paris, France. What are Les Contorsions Technologiques ? It’s a mix of workshops, exhibitions, demonstrations and performance, in a setting favorable to discovery, experimentation and exchange. It’s an invitation to

Hackito Ergo Sum 2010 – Call For Paper – HES2010 CFP

Hackito Ergo Sum 2010 – Call For Paper – HES2010 CFP http://hackitoergosum.org Hackito Ergo Sum conference will be held from April 8th to 10th 2010 in Paris, France. It is part of the series of conference “Hacker Space Fest” taking place since 2008 in France and all over Europe. HES2010 will focus on hardcore computer security, insecurity, vulnerability analysis, reverse engineering, research and hacking. INTRO The goal of this conference

Un livre sur HADOPI avec les contributions du /tmp/lab

In Libro Veritas a publié un livre “La bataille Hadopi” incluant des textes de préstigieux contributeurs comme Jacques Attali, Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Alain Lipietz, Jean-Pierre Brard, Martine Billard, Patrick Bloche, Richard M. Stallman, ou même Francis Lalanne, mais aussi avec les contribution du /tmp/lab. Tous les bénéfices de la vente de ce livre iront financer la campagne de La Quadrature du Net contre HADOPI et pour la liberté sur le Net.

Jeudi 14 Janvier au /tmp/lab : Hackito Ergo Sum, Net, Projections, Wikileaks, …

Ce jeudi soir au /tmp/lab on se fera un petit point sur Hackito Ergo Sum, conference qui aura lieu du 8 au 10 Avril pour semble t’il ouvrir la saison des HSF qui comportera pas mal d’épisodes (Rennes, Toulouse, Contorsions Technologiques @ LSL,  Alpes de haute provence avec Estive Numerique version HSF camp/nature *YAY!*, Istanbul etc…). Hackito Ergo Sum 2010 Cette conférence sera plus orientée technique que les HSF précédents,

Breizh Entropy Congress – Call for Proposals

================================ BREIZH ENTROPY CONGRESS April 15-17 2010, Rennes, France Call for Proposals ================================ French version at bottom / Version française en bas Passionate individuals and non-profit organizations from the region of Rennes, Brittany, France invite you to participate in the first Breizh Entropy Congress. This inter-disciplinary event focuses on free (as in freedom) creations and culture. Through a meeting fostering open-mindedness, exchange of ideas and learning, we hope to show

OpenWrt/Milkymist coding party, Dec 21st 17:00

A workshop/coding party will take place at the /tmp/lab in order to finalize the porting of the OpenWrt Linux distribution to the Milkymist open hardware system-on-chip. Every interested person is welcome. Venue: http://www.tmplab.org/contact Date: Monday Dec 21st 2009, starting at 17:00 UPDATE!!!! Because the train that goes to /tmp/lab has suddenly broke down, the event is moved to DigitalNonSense (Paris 17) at 19:00

Police raid in hack labs? is it still the 80s?

Disturbing, this is the most appropriate word. It feels like the 80s again. When the hackers were the big bad people in politician’s, media’s, general public’s… and police officers’ heads. A swedish hackerspace was raided last week, for no apparent valid reason (illegal bar investigation in a punk concert next door, and they came with IT experts and seized computers..). Is swedish administration so retarded that it didn’t evolve and

New code at /tmp/lab: ss7calc

You certainly know about ipcalc, this simple but pretty utility that enables people to calculate netmasks and IP addresses notations easily? What about ss7calc (download)… Well, to start with, SS7 is even more complicated than IP netmasks. SS7 is the network protocol that enable you to send SMS, to receive calls on your mobile and even to change location while staying on the line. But SS7 “addresses” are not like

Workshop announce : BootstrapPIC

Summary The goal of this workshop is to build and burn the usbpicprog PIC burner, using nothing but resources available at the /tmp/lab (excepted the electronic components, of course). As you can see, this burner uses a PIC, meaning we need a PIC burner to build the device. Depending on the available resources, we’ll use a pre existing PIC burner or we’ll build a JDM burner to burn the first

OLPC XO ce jeudi au /tmp/lab

Attention, attraction spéciale au /tmp/lab ce jeudi ! Tel qu’annoncé sur la liste de diffusion : Jeudi 19/11 à partir de 21H au /tmp/lab, OLPC France (« spin-off » du /tmp/lab 🙂 propose un atelier de réparation du XO. Au menu : 4 ou 5 machines à expertiser et réparer. Nous présenterons également en exclusivité (machine de pré-production) : le XO 1.5, la future évolution de l’ordinateur XO. Tout le monde est le bienvenue ! N’oubliez